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x1 for 80,000,000z 3058 days ago from Ukyo Katayama in Mint at Prontera 164, 153
x1 for 85,000,000z 3058 days ago from Ukyo Katayama in Minty at Prontera 164, 153
x1 for 85,000,000z 3059 days ago from Ukyo Katayama in Minty at Prontera 164, 153
x1 for 85,000,000z 3059 days ago from Ukyo Katayama in Minty at Prontera 164, 153
x1 for 85,000,000z 3059 days ago from Ukyo Katayama in Minty at Prontera 164, 153
x1 for 85,000,000z 3059 days ago from Ukyo Katayama in Minty at Prontera 164, 153
x1 for 85,000,000z 3059 days ago from Ukyo Katayama in Minty at Prontera 164, 153
x1 for 85,000,000z 3059 days ago from Ukyo Katayama in Minty at Prontera 164, 153
x1 for 85,000,000z 3059 days ago from Ukyo Katayama in Minty at Prontera 164, 153
x1 for 85,000,000z 3059 days ago from Ukyo Katayama in Minty at Prontera 164, 153
x1 for 85,000,000z 3059 days ago from Ukyo Katayama in Minty at Prontera 164, 153
x1 for 85,000,000z 3059 days ago from Ukyo Katayama in Minty at Prontera 164, 153
x1 for 85,000,000z 3059 days ago from Ukyo Katayama in Minty at Prontera 164, 153
x1 for 85,000,000z 3059 days ago from Ukyo Katayama in Minty at Prontera 164, 153
x1 for 80,000,000z 3059 days ago from Ukyo Katayama in Why do we build castles in the sky at Prontera 164, 153
x1 for 80,000,000z 3059 days ago from Ukyo Katayama in Why do we build castles in the sky at Prontera 164, 153
x1 for 80,000,000z 3059 days ago from Ukyo Katayama in Why do we build castles in the sky at Prontera 164, 153
x1 for 80,000,000z 3059 days ago from Ukyo Katayama in Why do we build castles in the sky at Prontera 164, 153
x1 for 80,000,000z 3059 days ago from Ukyo Katayama in Why do we build castles in the sky at Prontera 164, 153
x1 for 80,000,000z 3059 days ago from Ukyo Katayama in Why do we build castles in the sky at Prontera 164, 153
x1 for 80,000,000z 3059 days ago from Ukyo Katayama in Why do we build castles in the sky at Prontera 164, 153
x1 for 80,000,000z 3060 days ago from Ukyo Katayama in Why do we build castles in the sky at Prontera 164, 153
x1 for 80,000,000z 3060 days ago from Ukyo Katayama in Why do we build castles in the sky at Prontera 164, 153
x1 for 80,000,000z 3060 days ago from Ukyo Katayama in Why do we build castles in the sky at Prontera 164, 153
x1 for 80,000,000z 3060 days ago from Ukyo Katayama in Why do we build castles in the sky at Prontera 164, 153
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