Exact Matches for Tropical Banana
x4 for 50,000z 3107 days ago from Sweet Fani in BluePot Pantie Honey Taming Weapon at Prontera 137, 92
x4 for 50,000z 3107 days ago from Sweet Fani in BluePot Pantie Taming Weapon Hat at Prontera 137, 92
x1 for 49,999z 3112 days ago from The Thing With No Name in KAFRA TICKET 249M MVP KATAR 1B at Prontera 162, 49
x1 for 99,000z 3115 days ago from The Thing With No Name in CHEAPEST KBC ON RAGIAL at Prontera 162, 41
x1 for 5,000z 3115 days ago from The Thing With No Name in CHEAPEST KBC, HELP SUPPORT MY SURA!! at Prontera 163, 39