Exact Matches for Kobold Archer Card
x1 for 2,000,000z 2039 days ago from Mooncake Supreme in and even more Potions and stuff at Prontera 118, 60
x1 for 2,000,000z 2039 days ago from Mooncake Supreme in and even more Potions and stuff at Prontera 118, 60
x1 for 1,900,000z 2042 days ago from Unhappy Merchant in Isekai is coming to an end at Prontera 109, 75
x1 for 1,900,000z 2042 days ago from Unhappy Merchant in Isekai is coming to an end at Prontera 109, 75
x1 for 1,900,000z 2042 days ago from Unhappy Merchant in Isekai is coming to an end at Prontera 109, 75