Exact Matches for Crystal of Darkness
x86 for 150,000z 3469 days ago from Pots to the order in Alice egg/Card/Darkness items/ETC at Prontera 148, 186
x86 for 150,000z 3469 days ago from Pots to the order in Wapons/Holywater/Things of darkness at Prontera 148, 186
x86 for 150,000z 3469 days ago from Pots to the order in Wapons/Holywater/Things of darkness at Prontera 148, 186
x15 for 175,000z 3477 days ago from Navarro de La Mancha in +9 Durga | +7 Shadow Armor at Prontera 112, 70
x15 for 175,000z 3477 days ago from Navarro de La Mancha in +9 Durga | +7 Shadow Gear at Prontera 108, 69