Exact Matches for Cornus Card
x1 for 250,000z 3047 days ago from Boy Tindero in Cheap Cards Tidal Shoes Sprint Mail at Prontera 157, 89
x1 for 230,000z 3047 days ago from richdrex56 in Elu, iron, zenorc fang and Cards XD at Prontera 174, 123
x1 for 230,000z 3048 days ago from richdrex56 in Elu, iron, zenorc fang and Cards XD at Prontera 174, 123
x1 for 230,000z 3048 days ago from richdrex56 in Elu, iron, zenorc fang and Cards XD at Prontera 174, 123
x1 for 230,000z 3048 days ago from richdrex56 in Elu, iron, zenorc fang and Cards XD at Prontera 174, 123