Shops from Inmunda Gastadora
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2828 days ago - Prontera
152, 163 - loli
 | x76 | Golden Hair | 2,000z |
 | x395 | Claw of Desert Wolf | 1,600z |
 | x166 | Mastela Fruit | 4,900z | 0z |
 | x12 | Flame Heart | 19,500z |
 | x1 | Mink Coat [1] | 349,000z |
 | x1 | Unknown #28382 | 99,500z |
 | x1 | Katar [2] | 495,000z |
 | x1 | +6 Very Strong Wind Two-handed Axe | 2,500,000z |
 | x1 | +6 Durga [1] | 5,000,000z |
Link to this shop.

2829 days ago - Prontera
153, 156 - lolis
 | x1 | Katar [2] | 480,000z |
 | x1 | Katar [2] | 480,000z |
 | x1 | Mink Coat [1] | 500,000z |
 | x205 | Black Powder | 3,000z |
 | x411 | Anolian Skin | 1,750z |
 | x1 | +5 Durga [1] | 3,900,000z |
 | x1 | +5 Durga [1] | 3,900,000z |
 | x30 | Blood Of Wolf | 39,000z |
 | x395 | Claw of Desert Wolf | 1,800z |
Link to this shop.

2830 days ago - Prontera
153, 159 - loli +7
 | x76 | Golden Hair | 2,000z |
 | x232 | Burning Heart | 2,001z |
 | x24 | Blood Of Wolf | 40,001z |
 | x1 | Mink Coat [1] | 460,000z |
 | x1 | +6 Very Strong Wind Two-handed Axe | 2,500,000z |
 | x1 | Katar [2] | 489,000z |
 | x1 | Katar [2] | 489,000z |
 | x164 | Coal | 9,900z |
 | x2 | Safe to 7 Weapon Certificate | 5,490,000z | 0z |
Link to this shop.

2830 days ago - Prontera
158, 165 - loli +7
 | x9 | Claw of Desert Wolf | 1,800z |
 | x1 | Mink Coat [1] | 450,000z |
 | x1 | +6 Very Strong Wind Two-handed Axe | 2,500,000z |
 | x1 | Katar [2] | 490,000z |
 | x1 | Katar [2] | 490,000z |
 | x232 | Burning Heart | 1,800z |
 | x24 | Blood Of Wolf | 39,500z |
 | x18 | Flame Heart | 15,000z | 0z |
 | x47 | Great Nature | 2,600z |
Link to this shop.

2830 days ago - Prontera
160, 162 - loli +7
 | x709 | Claw of Desert Wolf | 1,800z |
 | x1 | Mink Coat [1] | 450,000z |
 | x1 | +6 Very Strong Wind Two-handed Axe | 2,500,000z |
 | x1 | Katar [2] | 490,000z |
 | x1 | Katar [2] | 490,000z |
 | x47 | Great Nature | 2,600z |
 | x18 | Flame Heart | 15,000z |
 | x24 | Blood Of Wolf | 39,500z |
 | x2 | Safe to 7 Weapon Certificate | 5,490,000z |
Link to this shop.

2830 days ago - Prontera
160, 162 - loli +7
 | x709 | Claw of Desert Wolf | 1,800z |
 | x232 | Burning Heart | 1,800z |
 | x1 | +6 Very Strong Wind Two-handed Axe | 2,500,000z |
 | x1 | Mink Coat [1] | 450,000z |
 | x1 | Katar [2] | 490,000z |
 | x1 | Katar [2] | 490,000z |
 | x47 | Great Nature | 2,600z |
 | x18 | Flame Heart | 15,000z |
 | x24 | Blood Of Wolf | 39,500z |
Link to this shop.

2830 days ago - Prontera
160, 160 - loli+7
 | x44 | Burning Hair | 1,900z |
 | x332 | Burning Heart | 1,500z |
 | x836 | Claw of Desert Wolf | 1,200z | 0z |
 | x17 | Blood Of Wolf | 40,000z |
 | x18 | Flame Heart | 15,000z |
 | x1 | +6 Very Strong Wind Two-handed Axe | 2,500,000z |
 | x1 | Mink Coat [1] | 490,000z |
 | x1 | +5 Katar [2] | 600,000z | 0z |
 | x2 | Safe to 7 Weapon Certificate | 5,500,000z |
Link to this shop.

2831 days ago - Prontera
156, 181 - loli +7
 | x234 | Burning Hair | 5,000z |
 | x1 | +6 Crimson Twohand Axe [2] | 1,500,000z |
 | x255 | Burning Heart | 1,500z |
 | x112 | Coal | 9,999z |
 | x1 | Infiltrator | 200,000z | 0z |
 | x1 | +6 Very Strong Wind Two-handed Axe | 2,500,000z |
 | x1 | +6 Light Epsilon | 6,000,000z |
 | x1 | +8 Crimson Katar [2] | 13,000,000z |
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Katar [2] | 6,000,000z |
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2831 days ago - Prontera
159, 156 - loli+7
 | x112 | Coal | 14,990z |
 | x1 | Infiltrator | 499,000z |
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Katar [2] | 6,000,000z |
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Katar [2] | 6,000,000z |
 | x1 | +5 Doom Slayer [1] | 1,500,000z |
 | x1 | +4 Light Epsilon | 4,500,000z |
 | x1 | Earth Deleter Card | 700,000z | 0z |
 | x1 | Pecopeco Egg Card | 5,750,000z | 0z |
 | x1 | Owl Duke Card | 1,300,000z | 0z |
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2832 days ago - Prontera
154, 164 - loli +7
 | x205 | Black Powder | 1,900z |
 | x114 | Horseshoe | 1,800z |
 | x234 | Burning Hair | 1,500z |
 | x255 | Burning Heart | 1,500z |
 | x136 | Golden Hair | 1,900z |
 | x120 | Coal | 17,800z |
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Katar [2] | 6,000,000z |
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Katar [2] | 6,000,000z |
 | x1 | Owl Duke Card | 1,000,000z |
Link to this shop.

2832 days ago - Prontera
151, 172 - loli +7
 | x136 | Golden Hair | 1,900z |
 | x61 | Mastela Fruit | 5,100z | 0z |
 | x500 | White Herb | 990z | 0z |
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Katar [2] | 6,000,000z |
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Katar [2] | 6,500,000z |
 | x133 | Coal | 18,000z |
 | x1 | Owl Duke Card | 1,000,000z |
 | x437 | Burning Heart | 1,500z |
 | x234 | Burning Hair | 1,500z |
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2832 days ago - Prontera
158, 152 - loli+7
 | x1 | Green Maiden Egg | 1,200,000z | 0z |
 | x17 | Petite's Tail | 1,750z |
 | x1 | Green Maiden Egg | 1,200,000z | 0z |
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Katar [2] | 6,000,000z |
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Katar [2] | 6,500,000z |
 | x205 | Black Powder | 3,000z |
 | x26 | Flame Heart | 14,500z | 0z |
 | x133 | Coal | 8,500z |
 | x1 | Owl Duke Card | 1,900,000z |
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2833 days ago - Prontera
160, 149 - loli +7
 | x1 | Green Maiden Egg | 1,000,000z | 0z |
 | x1 | Green Maiden Egg | 1,100,000z |
 | x1 | Green Maiden Egg | 1,100,000z |
 | x18 | Petite's Tail | 1,800z |
 | x114 | Horseshoe | 1,600z |
 | x136 | Golden Hair | 1,900z |
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Katar [2] | 6,900,000z |
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Katar [2] | 6,900,000z |
 | x4 | Safe to 7 Weapon Certificate | 5,000,000z | 0z |
Link to this shop.

2833 days ago - Prontera
156, 98 - cheaper than him
 | x1 | Unknown #28381 | 99,000z |
 | x1 | Angel's Reincarnation [1] | 350,000z |
 | x1 | Green Maiden Egg | 1,200,000z |
 | x1 | Green Maiden Egg | 1,200,000z |
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Katar [2] | 6,000,000z |
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Katar [2] | 6,900,000z |
 | x4 | Safe to 7 Weapon Certificate | 5,300,000z |
Link to this shop.

2833 days ago - Prontera
155, 153 - loli +7
 | x1 | Unknown #22083 | 50,000z | 0z |
 | x114 | Horseshoe | 1,500z |
 | x18 | Petite's Tail | 1,650z |
 | x1 | Round Buckler [1] | 200,000z | 0z |
 | x1 | Angel's Reincarnation [1] | 350,000z |
 | x4 | Safe to 7 Weapon Certificate | 5,490,000z |
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Sabre [2] | 6,000,000z | 0z |
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Katar [2] | 6,000,000z |
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Katar [2] | 6,900,000z |
Link to this shop.

2835 days ago - Prontera
131, 124 - loli +7
 | x1 | Green Maiden Egg | 1,450,000z |
 | x1 | Green Maiden Egg | 1,450,000z |
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Sabre [2] | 6,000,000z |
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Katar [2] | 8,000,000z | 0z |
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Katar [2] | 5,500,000z |
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Katar [2] | 7,000,000z |
 | x3 | Kaho Card | 2,000,000z | 0z |
Link to this shop.

2835 days ago - Prontera
154, 168 - loli +7
 | x1 | Green Maiden Egg | 2,500,000z |
 | x1 | Green Maiden Egg | 2,500,000z |
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Sabre [2] | 6,000,000z |
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Katar [2] | 5,000,000z |
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Katar [2] | 5,000,000z | 0z |
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Katar [2] | 9,500,000z |
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Katar [2] | 7,000,000z |
 | x3 | Kaho Card | 4,000,000z |
Link to this shop.

2835 days ago - Prontera
154, 168 - Loli +7
 | x437 | Burning Heart | 1,000z |
 | x1 | Green Maiden Egg | 1,200,000z |
 | x1 | Green Maiden Egg | 1,200,000z |
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Katar [2] | 5,500,000z |
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Katar [2] | 5,500,000z |
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Sabre [2] | 6,000,000z |
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Katar [2] | 10,000,000z |
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Katar [2] | 7,400,000z |
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Katar [2] | 7,400,000z | 0z |
Link to this shop.

2836 days ago - Prontera
153, 95 - cheaper than you
 | x2 | Kaho Card | 1,800,000z | 0z |
 | x1 | Green Maiden Egg | 1,500,000z |
 | x1 | Green Maiden Egg | 1,500,000z |
 | x1 | Green Maiden Egg | 1,500,000z |
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Katar [2] | 6,000,000z |
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Katar [2] | 7,000,000z |
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Katar [2] | 9,500,000z |
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Katar [2] | 7,350,000z |
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Katar [2] | 7,350,000z |
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2836 days ago - Prontera
151, 175 - buy buy buy
 | x1 | Round Buckler [1] | 190,000z |
 | x437 | Burning Heart | 1,500z |
 | x303 | Fabric | 1,900z | 0z |
 | x1 | Angel's Reincarnation [1] | 390,000z |
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Katar [2] | 5,500,000z |
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Katar [2] | 7,000,000z |
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Katar [2] | 800,000,070z |
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Katar [2] | 8,000,000z |
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Katar [2] | 8,000,000z |
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2836 days ago - Prontera
158, 156 - comple comple
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Katar [2] | 7,500,000z | 0z |
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Katar [2] | 9,000,000z | 0z |
 | x1 | Release of Wish | 350,000z |
 | x1 | Book of the Apocalypse | 40,000z |
 | x1 | Unknown #22083 | 50,000z | 0z |
 | x127 | Venom Canine | 660z | 0z |
 | x234 | Fabric | 1,500z |
 | x1 | Round Buckler [1] | 250,000z |
 | x1 | Angel's Reincarnation [1] | 350,000z |
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2837 days ago - Prontera
159, 100 - Cheaper than you ;D
 | x18 | Petite's Tail | 2,000z |
 | x234 | Fabric | 1,900z |
 | x136 | Golden Hair | 1,900z |
 | x177 | Venom Canine | 660z |
 | x114 | Horseshoe | 2,000z |
 | x1 | Angel's Reincarnation [1] | 390,000z |
 | x1 | Round Buckler [1] | 440,000z |
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Katar [2] | 7,500,000z |
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Katar [2] | 9,000,000z |
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2837 days ago - Prontera
155, 98 - Cheaper than you
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Katar [2] | 7,000,000z |
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Katar [2] | 7,950,000z |
 | x1 | Round Buckler [1] | 250,000z |
 | x1 | Angel's Reincarnation [1] | 395,000z |
 | x114 | Horseshoe | 2,000z |
 | x177 | Venom Canine | 600z |
 | x136 | Golden Hair | 2,000z |
 | x234 | Fabric | 1,900z |
 | x6 | Blue Herb | 1,999z |
Link to this shop.

2837 days ago - Prontera
155, 98 - buy :D

2837 days ago - Prontera
154, 96 - Buy :D
 | x114 | Horseshoe | 2,000z |
 | x136 | Golden Hair | 1,900z |
 | x234 | Fabric | 2,500z |
 | x106 | Blue Herb | 2,500z |
 | x177 | Venom Canine | 690z |
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Katar [2] | 8,900,000z |
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Katar [2] | 6,000,000z |
 | x1 | +7 Crimson Katar [2] | 9,500,000z |
 | x1 | Sidewinder Card | 990,000z | 0z |
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