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3430 days ago - Prontera 123, 96 - The good stuff point
x5Novice Poring Card35,000z
x1Star Dust2,350z
x2Hode Card490,000z
x2Sandman Card7,500,000z
x1Angel's Kiss [1]3,000,000z
x10Andre Egg Card240,000z
x1Stainer Card100,000z
x13Muka Card490,000z
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3431 days ago - Prontera 123, 96 - The good stuff point
x10Andre Egg Card240,000z
x1Star Dust2,350z
x2Sandman Card7,500,000z
x5Novice Poring Card35,000z
x2Hode Card490,000z
x1Stainer Card100,000z
x1Angel's Kiss [1]3,000,000z
x13Muka Card490,000z
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3431 days ago - Prontera 123, 96 - The good stuff point
x10Andre Egg Card240,000z
x1Angel's Kiss [1]3,000,000z
x1Stainer Card100,000z
x2Sandman Card7,500,000z
x2Hode Card490,000z
x1Star Dust2,350z
x5Novice Poring Card35,000z
x13Muka Card490,000z
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3431 days ago - Prontera 123, 96 - The good stuff point
x1Angel's Kiss [1]3,000,000z
x2Sandman Card7,500,000z
x5Novice Poring Card35,000z
x13Muka Card490,000z
x2Hode Card490,000z
x1Star Dust2,350z
x1Stainer Card100,000z
x10Andre Egg Card240,000z
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3431 days ago - Prontera 123, 96 - The good stuff point
x1Angel's Kiss [1]3,000,000z
x1Stainer Card100,000z
x10Andre Egg Card240,000z
x5Novice Poring Card35,000z
x1Star Dust2,350z
x2Sandman Card7,500,000z
x2Hode Card490,000z
x13Muka Card490,000z
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3431 days ago - Prontera 123, 96 - The good stuff point
x1Stainer Card100,000z
x10Andre Egg Card240,000z
x1Star Dust2,350z
x1Angel's Kiss [1]3,000,000z
x13Muka Card490,000z
x2Sandman Card7,500,000z
x2Hode Card490,000z
x5Novice Poring Card35,000z
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3431 days ago - Prontera 123, 96 - The good stuff point
x10Andre Egg Card240,000z
x2Hode Card490,000z
x2Sandman Card7,500,000z
x1Angel's Kiss [1]3,000,000z
x1Stainer Card100,000z
x1Star Dust2,350z
x5Novice Poring Card35,000z
x13Muka Card490,000z
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3432 days ago - Prontera 123, 96 - The good stuff point
x1Stainer Card100,000z
x10Andre Egg Card240,000z
x13Muka Card490,000z
x1Star Dust2,350z
x2Sandman Card7,500,000z
x1Angel's Kiss [1]3,000,000z0z
x6Novice Poring Card35,000z
x13Hode Card490,000z
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3432 days ago - Prontera 123, 96 - The good stuff point
x2Hode Card490,000z
x1Stainer Card100,000z
x10Andre Egg Card240,000z
x1Mini Propeller30,000z0z
x13Muka Card490,000z
x1Angel's Kiss [1]3,000,000z
x6Novice Poring Card35,000z
x1Star Dust2,350z
x2Sandman Card7,500,000z
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3432 days ago - Prontera 123, 96 - The good stuff point
x1Stainer Card100,000z
x2Hode Card490,000z
x13Muka Card490,000z
x2Sandman Card7,500,000z
x1Star Dust2,350z
x1Angel's Kiss [1]3,000,000z
x9Andre Egg Card240,000z
x1Puente Robe [1]400,000z0z
x7Novice Poring Card35,000z
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3433 days ago - Prontera 123, 96 - The good stuff point
x1Stainer Card100,000z
x2Hode Card490,000z
x13Muka Card490,000z
x2Sandman Card7,500,000z
x1Star Dust2,350z
x1Angel's Kiss [1]3,000,000z
x9Andre Egg Card240,000z
x1Puente Robe [1]400,000z
x2Dustiness Card125,000z0z
x7Novice Poring Card35,000z
x1Hood [1]10,000z0z
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3433 days ago - Prontera 123, 96 - The good stuff point
x1Angel's Reincarnation [1]50,000z0z
x1Stainer Card100,000z
x2Hode Card490,000z
x10Andre Egg Card240,000z
x15Muka Card490,000z
x2Sandman Card7,500,000z
x7Novice Poring Card35,000z
x1Star Dust2,350z
x1Angel's Kiss [1]3,000,000z
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3433 days ago - Prontera 123, 96 - The good stuff point
x2Bigfoot Card500,000z
x1Star Dust2,350z
x2Hode Card490,000z
x2Sandman Card7,500,000z
x1Angel's Kiss [1]3,000,000z
x1Stainer Card100,000z
x7Novice Poring Card35,000z
x1Hunter Fly Card9,000,000z0z
x15Muka Card490,000z
x10Andre Egg Card240,000z
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3433 days ago - Prontera 123, 96 - The good stuff point
x1Hunter Fly Card10,000,000z
x2Hode Card490,000z
x2Bigfoot Card500,000z
x1Angel's Kiss [1]3,000,000z
x15Muka Card490,000z
x1Stainer Card100,000z
x10Andre Egg Card240,000z
x1Star Dust2,350z
x2Sandman Card7,500,000z
x7Novice Poring Card35,000z
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3433 days ago - Prontera 123, 96 - The good stuff point
x7Novice Poring Card35,000z
x2Hode Card490,000z
x15Muka Card490,000z
x1Stainer Card100,000z
x1Hunter Fly Card10,000,000z
x1Angel's Kiss [1]3,000,000z
x3Bigfoot Card500,000z
x24Rough Wind30,000z0z
x10Andre Egg Card240,000z
x2Sandman Card7,500,000z
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3434 days ago - Prontera 123, 96 - The good stuff point
x2Hode Card490,000z
x1Hunter Fly Card10,000,000z
x10Andre Egg Card240,000z
x1Angel's Kiss [1]3,000,000z
x1Orc Lady Card1,000,000z0z
x1Stainer Card100,000z
x2Sandman Card7,500,000z
x7Novice Poring Card35,000z
x1Round Buckler [1]75,000z0z
x15Muka Card490,000z
x4Bigfoot Card500,000z
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3434 days ago - Prontera 123, 96 - The good stuff point
x1Hunter Fly Card22,000,000z
x6Bigfoot Card500,000z
x1Stainer Card100,000z
x10Andre Egg Card240,000z
x2Hode Card490,000z
x2Sandman Card7,500,000z
x1Orc Lady Card1,000,000z
x1Round Buckler [1]75,000z
x15Muka Card490,000z
x7Novice Poring Card35,000z
x1Angel's Kiss [1]3,000,000z
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3434 days ago - Prontera 123, 96 - The good stuff point
x7Novice Poring Card35,000z
x1Hunter Fly Card22,000,000z
x10Andre Egg Card240,000z
x2Hode Card490,000z
x1Orc Lady Card1,000,000z
x1Angel's Kiss [1]3,000,000z
x1Round Buckler [1]75,000z0z
x1Stainer Card100,000z
x15Muka Card490,000z
x6Bigfoot Card500,000z
x2Sandman Card7,500,000z
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3434 days ago - Prontera 123, 96 - The good stuff point
x1Angel's Kiss [1]3,000,000z
x1Stainer Card100,000z
x10Andre Egg Card240,000z
x1Hunter Fly Card22,000,000z
x7Novice Poring Card35,000z
x1Orc Lady Card1,000,000z
x2Sandman Card7,500,000z
x2Hode Card490,000z
x15Muka Card490,000z
x6Bigfoot Card500,000z
x1Round Buckler [1]75,000z0z
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3434 days ago - Prontera 123, 96 - The good stuff point
x1Hunter Fly Card22,000,000z
x10Andre Egg Card240,000z
x2Sandman Card7,500,000z
x6Bigfoot Card500,000z
x1Angel's Kiss [1]3,000,000z
x15Muka Card490,000z
x7Novice Poring Card35,000z
x1Stainer Card100,000z
x1Orc Lady Card1,000,000z
x2Hode Card490,000z
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3434 days ago - Prontera 123, 96 - The good stuff point
x1Hunter Fly Card22,000,000z
x10Andre Egg Card240,000z
x2Sandman Card7,500,000z
x6Bigfoot Card500,000z
x1Angel's Kiss [1]3,000,000z
x15Muka Card490,000z
x2242Orcish Voucher500z0z
x1Silk Robe [1]40,000z0z
x7Novice Poring Card35,000z
x1Stainer Card100,000z
x1Orc Lady Card1,000,000z
x2Hode Card490,000z
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3434 days ago - Prontera 123, 96 - The good stuff point
x2Hode Card490,000z
x15Muka Card490,000z
x1Angel's Kiss [1]3,000,000z
x1Stainer Card100,000z
x1Hunter Fly Card22,000,000z
x7Novice Poring Card35,000z
x6Bigfoot Card500,000z
x2242Orcish Voucher500z
x2Sandman Card7,500,000z
x1Orc Lady Card1,000,000z
x10Andre Egg Card240,000z
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3434 days ago - Prontera 123, 96 - The good stuff point
x7Novice Poring Card35,000z
x1Hunter Fly Card22,000,000z
x7Bigfoot Card500,000z
x1Stainer Card100,000z
x1Orc Lady Card1,000,000z
x10Andre Egg Card240,000z
x16Muka Card490,000z
x2Hode Card490,000z
x2Sandman Card7,500,000z
x1Angel's Kiss [1]3,000,000z
x1Silk Robe [1]40,000z
x2242Orcish Voucher500z
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3434 days ago - Prontera 123, 96 - The good stuff point
x2Sandman Card7,500,000z
x5Andre Egg Card240,000z
x1Stainer Card100,000z
x16Muka Card490,000z
x2Hode Card490,000z
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3435 days ago - Prontera 123, 96 - The good stuff point
x1Silk Robe [1]40,000z0z
x2Sandman Card7,500,000z
x1Spore Card85,000z0z
x5Andre Egg Card240,000z
x1Fabre Card500,000z0z
x5Creamy Card2,500,000z0z
x1Stainer Card100,000z
x12Royal Jelly4,500z0z
x16Muka Card490,000z
x2Hode Card490,000z
x4Orc Warrior Card350,000z0z
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