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Shops from Reginn
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5081 days ago - Prontera 162, 86 - stuff
x999Yellow Herb1,000z
x1Electric Fist [3]125,000z
x1Electric Fist [3]125,000z
x1Electric Fist [3]125,000z
x1Electric Fist [3]125,000z
x1Electric Fist [3]125,000z
x1Scapulare [1]100,000z
x1Bone Helm1,750,000z
x506Orcish Voucher800z
x312Oil Bottle5,000z
x158Antelope Horn750z
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5081 days ago - Prontera 162, 86 - stuff
x999Yellow Herb1,000z
x1Electric Fist [3]125,000z
x1Electric Fist [3]125,000z
x1Electric Fist [3]125,000z
x1Electric Fist [3]125,000z
x1Electric Fist [3]125,000z
x1Scapulare [1]100,000z
x1Bone Helm1,750,000z
x506Orcish Voucher800z
x312Oil Bottle5,000z
x158Antelope Horn750z
Link to this shop.

5081 days ago - Prontera 162, 86 - stuff
x999Yellow Herb1,000z
x1Electric Fist [3]125,000z
x1Electric Fist [3]125,000z
x1Electric Fist [3]125,000z
x1Electric Fist [3]125,000z
x1Electric Fist [3]125,000z
x1Scapulare [1]100,000z
x1Bone Helm1,750,000z
x506Orcish Voucher800z
x312Oil Bottle5,000z
x158Antelope Horn750z
Link to this shop.

5081 days ago - Prontera 162, 86 - stuff
x1000Yellow Herb1,000z
x1Electric Fist [3]125,000z
x1Electric Fist [3]125,000z
x1Electric Fist [3]125,000z
x1Electric Fist [3]125,000z
x1Electric Fist [3]125,000z
x1Scapulare [1]100,000z
x1Bone Helm1,750,000z
x506Orcish Voucher800z
x312Oil Bottle5,000z
x158Antelope Horn750z
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5081 days ago - Prontera 162, 85 - stuff
x500Yellow Herb1,000z1,315z
x506Orcish Voucher800z
x120Gun Powder7,000z
x312Oil Bottle5,000z
x1Electric Fist [3]125,000z
x1Bone Helm2,000,000z
x1Scapulare [1]100,000z
x181Antelope Skin500z
x158Antelope Horn750z
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5081 days ago - Prontera 162, 85 - stuff
x1000Yellow Herb1,000z
x506Orcish Voucher800z
x120Gun Powder7,000z
x312Oil Bottle5,000z
x1Electric Fist [3]125,000z
x1Bone Helm2,000,000z
x1Girl's Diary [1]80,000z
x1Scapulare [1]100,000z
x181Antelope Skin500z
x158Antelope Horn750z
x1Town Sword [2]30,000z
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5082 days ago - Prontera 163, 71 - stuff
x1000Yellow Herb2,000z
x506Orcish Voucher800z
x158Antelope Horn750z
x120Gun Powder8,000z
x312Oil Bottle5,000z
x1Scapulare [1]100,000z
x1Bone Helm2,000,000z
x1Electric Fist [3]125,000z
x1Town Sword [2]30,000z
x1Girl's Diary [1]80,000z
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5082 days ago - Prontera 162, 70 - stuff
x312Oil Bottle5,000z
x120Gun Powder7,000z
x506Orcish Voucher800z
x1Harpy Card2,500,000z900,000z
x1Bone Helm2,000,000z
x1Girl's Diary [1]80,000z
x1000Yellow Herb2,000z
x1Electric Fist [3]125,000z
x158Antelope Horn750z
x1Town Sword [2]30,000z
x1Scapulare [1]100,000z
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5082 days ago - Prontera 163, 75 - stuff
x312Oil Bottle5,000z
x120Gun Powder8,000z
x1Scapulare [1]100,000z
x1Girl's Diary [1]100,000z
x506Orcish Voucher800z
x158Antelope Horn750z
x1Harpy Card2,500,000z
x1Bone Helm2,000,000z
x1Hat [1]15,000z
x1Hat [1]15,000z
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5082 days ago - Prontera 163, 75 - stuff
x312Oil Bottle5,000z
x120Gun Powder8,000z
x1Scapulare [1]100,000z
x1Girl's Diary [1]100,000z
x506Orcish Voucher800z
x158Antelope Horn750z
x1Harpy Card2,500,000z
x1Bone Helm2,000,000z
x1Hat [1]15,000z
x1Hat [1]15,000z
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5082 days ago - Prontera 163, 75 - stuff
x312Oil Bottle5,000z
x120Gun Powder8,000z
x1Scapulare [1]100,000z
x1Girl's Diary [1]100,000z
x506Orcish Voucher800z
x158Antelope Horn750z
x1Harpy Card2,500,000z
x1Bone Helm2,000,000z
x1Hat [1]15,000z
x1Hat [1]15,000z
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5082 days ago - Prontera 163, 75 - stuff
x312Oil Bottle5,000z
x120Gun Powder8,000z
x1Scapulare [1]100,000z
x1Girl's Diary [1]100,000z
x506Orcish Voucher800z
x158Antelope Horn750z
x1Harpy Card2,500,000z
x1Bone Helm2,000,000z
x1Hat [1]15,000z
x1Hat [1]15,000z
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5083 days ago - Prontera 161, 87 - stuff
x1Harpy Card2,500,000z
x1Bone Helm2,000,000z
x120Gun Powder8,000z
x312Oil Bottle20,000z
x1Scapulare [1]100,000z
x1Girl's Diary [1]100,000z
x506Orcish Voucher800z
x158Antelope Horn750z
Link to this shop.

5083 days ago - Prontera 161, 87 - stuff
x1Harpy Card2,500,000z
x1Bone Helm2,000,000z
x120Gun Powder8,000z
x312Oil Bottle20,000z
x1Scapulare [1]100,000z
x1Girl's Diary [1]100,000z
x506Orcish Voucher800z
x5Bear's Footskin500z
x158Antelope Horn750z
Link to this shop.

5083 days ago - Prontera 161, 87 - stuff
x1Harpy Card2,500,000z
x1Bone Helm2,000,000z
x120Gun Powder8,000z
x312Oil Bottle20,000z
x1Scapulare [1]100,000z
x1Girl's Diary [1]100,000z
x506Orcish Voucher800z
x15Bear's Footskin500z
x158Antelope Horn750z
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5083 days ago - Prontera 161, 87 - stuff
x1Manteau [1]700,000z
x1Harpy Card2,500,000z
x1Bone Helm2,000,000z
x120Gun Powder8,000z
x312Oil Bottle20,000z
x1Scapulare [1]100,000z
x1Girl's Diary [1]100,000z
x506Orcish Voucher800z
x15Bear's Footskin500z
x158Antelope Horn750z
Link to this shop.

5083 days ago - Prontera 161, 87 - stuff
x1Manteau [1]700,000z
x1Harpy Card2,500,000z
x1Bone Helm2,000,000z
x120Gun Powder8,000z
x312Oil Bottle20,000z
x1Scapulare [1]100,000z
x1Girl's Diary [1]100,000z
x506Orcish Voucher800z
x15Bear's Footskin500z
x158Antelope Horn750z
Link to this shop.

5083 days ago - Prontera 162, 88 - stuff
x1Harpy Card2,500,000z
x1Manteau [1]700,000z
x1Bone Helm2,000,000z
x506Orcish Voucher800z
x120Gun Powder8,000z
x312Oil Bottle20,000z
x1Scapulare [1]120,000z
x1Girl's Diary [1]125,000z
x158Antelope Horn750z
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5083 days ago - Prontera 162, 88 - stuff
x1Harpy Card2,500,000z
x1Manteau [1]700,000z
x1Bone Helm2,000,000z
x506Orcish Voucher800z
x120Gun Powder8,000z
x312Oil Bottle20,000z
x1Mantle [1]4,000,000z
x1Scapulare [1]120,000z
x1Girl's Diary [1]125,000z
x158Antelope Horn750z
Link to this shop.

5083 days ago - Prontera 160, 97 - stuff
x1Manteau [1]800,000z
x1Harpy Card2,500,000z
x1Bone Helm2,000,000z
x506Orcish Voucher800z
x120Gun Powder8,000z
x312Oil Bottle20,000z
x1Mantle [1]4,000,000z
x1Scapulare [1]120,000z
x158Antelope Horn750z
x1Girl's Diary [1]125,000z
Link to this shop.

5083 days ago - Prontera 160, 97 - stuff
x1Manteau [1]800,000z
x1Bone Helm2,000,000z
x1Electric Fist [3]125,000z123,214z
x1Scapulare [1]125,000z
x1Mantle [1]4,000,000z
x120Gun Powder8,000z
x312Oil Bottle20,000z
x1Harpy Card2,500,000z1,518,578z
x1Girl's Diary [1]140,000z
x506Orcish Voucher800z
Link to this shop.

5084 days ago - Prontera 163, 86 - stuff
x158Antelope Horn750z
x1Super Novice Hat [1]150,000z144,214z
x120Gun Powder8,000z
x506Orcish Voucher800z
x1Electric Fist [3]125,000z138,214z
x1Electric Fist [3]125,000z133,214z
x1Bone Helm2,000,000z
x312Oil Bottle20,000z
x1Harpy Card2,500,000z
x1Electric Fist [3]125,000z129,643z
Link to this shop.

5084 days ago - Prontera 163, 86 - stuff
x1Harpy Card2,500,000z1,537,150z
x1Super Novice Hat [1]150,000z
x120Gun Powder8,000z
x506Orcish Voucher1,000z
x1Electric Fist [3]150,000z
x1Electric Fist [3]150,000z
x1Bone Helm2,500,000z
x312Oil Bottle20,000z
x1Electric Fist [3]150,000z113,214z
x1Electric Fist [3]150,000z
Link to this shop.

5084 days ago - Prontera 162, 88 - stuff
x1Super Novice Hat [1]250,000z
x312Oil Bottle30,000z
x120Gun Powder8,000z
x1Electric Fist [3]150,000z
x1Electric Fist [3]150,000z113,564z
x1Electric Fist [3]150,000z113,929z
x1Town Sword [2]40,000z
x1Mantle [1]4,000,000z
x158Antelope Horn750z
x181Antelope Skin500z
Link to this shop.

5084 days ago - Prontera 161, 85 - Stuff
x312Oil Bottle30,000z
x158Antelope Horn750z
x120Gun Powder8,000z
x1Super Novice Hat [1]450,000z
x1Mantle [1]5,000,000z
x181Antelope Skin500z
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