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Shops from axe 13
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3586 days ago - Prontera 110, 61 - SELL SELL
3607 days ago - Prontera 115, 55 - DO BOLt
x1Nab's Cloth [1]25,000,000z0z
x1+4 Nab's Cloth [1]20,000,000z
x1+4 Nab's Cloth [1]13,000,000z
x1Nab's Cloth [1]10,000,000z
x1Skogul Card20,000,000z
x1Wickebine Tres Card15,000,000z
x1White Wing Brooch9,000,000z
x1Sapha's Cloth [1]9,000,000z
x1Sapha Ring8,000,000z
x1Sapha Shoes [1]8,000,000z
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3679 days ago - Prontera 115, 55 - D X X LUV
x1White Wing Boots [1]40,000,000z
x1White Wing Manteau20,000,000z
x1White Wing Boots [1]18,000,000z
x1+4 Nab's Cloth [1]16,000,000z
x1+4 Sapha Hood13,000,000z
x1White Wing Suits [1]7,500,000z
x1White Wing Brooch5,000,000z
x1Lyrica Hat [1]7,000,000z
x1Frus Card3,000,000z
x25Shadow Arrow Quiver100,000z
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3680 days ago - Prontera 162, 41 - B N H LUV u
x1White Wing Boots [1]40,000,000z
x1White Wing Manteau20,000,000z
x1White Wing Boots [1]18,000,000z
x1+4 Nab's Cloth [1]16,000,000z
x1+4 Sapha Hood13,000,000z
x1White Wing Suits [1]7,500,000z
x1White Wing Brooch5,000,000z
x1Lyrica Hat [1]8,000,000z
x1Frus Card3,000,000z
x30Shadow Arrow Quiver100,000z
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3681 days ago - Prontera 117, 60 - S O S
x1White Wing Boots [1]40,000,000z
x1White Wing Manteau20,000,000z
x1White Wing Boots [1]18,000,000z
x1+4 Nab's Cloth [1]17,000,000z
x1+4 Sapha Hood14,000,000z
x1White Wing Suits [1]8,000,000z
x1White Wing Brooch5,000,000z
x1Lyrica Hat [1]8,000,000z
x1Frus Card3,000,000z
x30Shadow Arrow Quiver90,000z
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3682 days ago - Prontera 115, 56 - S O D DXD
3682 days ago - Prontera 115, 56 - F N F
3682 days ago - Prontera 115, 56 - F N F
3683 days ago - Prontera 115, 56 - R N G Come
3683 days ago - Prontera 115, 56 - Ranger N GX
3683 days ago - Prontera 115, 56 - X C 13
x1White Wing Boots [1]43,000,000z
x1White Wing Boots [1]20,000,000z
x1White Wing Manteau20,000,000z
x1+4 Sapha Hood14,000,000z
x1White Wing Suits [1]9,000,000z
x1White Wing Brooch5,500,000z
x1Frus Card3,000,000z
x1Lyrica Hat [1]10,000,000z
x161Golden Hair7,000z
x293White Herb800z0z
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3683 days ago - Prontera 114, 57 - S>+9CEB&+9iWoeMan 160&135m PM
x1White Wing Boots [1]42,000,000z
x1White Wing Boots [1]20,000,000z
x1White Wing Manteau20,000,000z
x1+4 Sapha Hood20,000,000z
x1White Wing Suits [1]9,000,000z
x1White Wing Brooch5,500,000z
x10Shadow Arrow Quiver100,000z0z
x26Rusty Arrow Quiver75,000z
x161Golden Hair7,000z
x1Frus Card3,000,000z
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3684 days ago - Prontera 117, 59 - S>+9CEB&iWoeM 160&130 PM
x1White Wing Boots [1]42,000,000z
x1White Wing Boots [1]20,000,000z
x1White Wing Manteau20,000,000z
x1+4 Sapha Hood15,000,000z
x1White Wing Suits [1]9,000,000z
x1White Wing Brooch5,500,000z
x1Frus Card3,000,000z
x26Rusty Arrow Quiver75,000z
x30Shadow Arrow Quiver100,000z
x261Golden Hair7,000z
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3684 days ago - Prontera 117, 59 - B> Orc BOW 10M PM Me
x1White Wing Boots [1]42,000,000z
x1White Wing Boots [1]20,000,000z
x1White Wing Manteau20,000,000z
x1+4 Sapha Hood15,000,000z
x1White Wing Suits [1]9,000,000z
x1White Wing Brooch5,500,000z
x1Frus Card3,000,000z
x30Shadow Arrow Quiver100,000z
x26Rusty Arrow Quiver75,000z
x261Golden Hair7,000z
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3684 days ago - Prontera 117, 60 - Ranger N GX
x1White Wing Boots [1]42,000,000z
x1White Wing Boots [1]20,000,000z
x1Sapha Hood20,000,000z0z
x1White Wing Manteau20,000,000z
x1+4 Sapha Hood15,000,000z
x1White Wing Suits [1]9,000,000z
x1Sapha Ring9,000,000z0z
x1White Wing Brooch5,500,000z
x1Frus Card3,200,000z
x30Shadow Arrow Quiver110,000z
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3684 days ago - Prontera 117, 57 - Ranger N GX
x1White Wing Boots [1]42,000,000z
x1White Wing Boots [1]21,000,000z
x1Sapha Hood20,000,000z
x1White Wing Manteau23,000,000z
x1+4 Sapha Hood14,000,000z
x1White Wing Suits [1]9,000,000z
x1Sapha Ring9,000,000z
x1White Wing Brooch5,500,000z
x1Frus Card4,000,000z
x30Shadow Arrow Quiver120,000z
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3685 days ago - Prontera 115, 57 - Ranger N GX
x1White Wing Boots [1]42,000,000z
x1White Wing Boots [1]20,000,000z
x1Sapha Hood20,000,000z
x1White Wing Manteau20,000,000z
x1+4 Sapha Hood15,000,000z
x1White Wing Suits [1]9,000,000z
x1Sapha Ring9,000,000z
x1White Wing Brooch5,500,000z
x1Frus Card4,000,000z
x30Shadow Arrow Quiver70,000z
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3685 days ago - Prontera 115, 57 - Ranger N GX
x1White Wing Boots [1]43,000,000z
x1White Wing Boots [1]22,000,000z
x1Sapha Hood20,000,000z
x1+7 Agent Katar [1]25,000,000z0z
x1White Wing Manteau19,000,000z
x1+4 Sapha Hood14,000,000z
x1White Wing Suits [1]9,000,000z
x1Sapha Ring9,000,000z
x1White Wing Brooch7,000,000z0z
x1White Wing Brooch5,500,000z
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3686 days ago - Prontera 116, 59 - Ranger N GX
x1White Wing Boots [1]43,000,000z
x1White Wing Boots [1]22,000,000z
x1Sapha Hood20,000,000z0z
x1Sapha Hood20,000,000z
x1+7 Agent Katar [1]25,000,000z
x1White Wing Manteau18,000,000z
x1+4 Sapha Hood14,000,000z
x1White Wing Suits [1]9,000,000z
x1Sapha Ring9,000,000z
x1White Wing Brooch7,000,000z
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3687 days ago - Prontera 116, 55 - Ranger N GX
x1White Wing Boots [1]40,000,000z
x1White Wing Boots [1]21,000,000z
x1Sapha Hood20,000,000z
x1Sapha Hood20,000,000z
x1+7 Agent Katar [1]20,000,000z
x1White Wing Manteau19,000,000z
x1+4 Sapha Hood15,000,000z
x1White Wing Suits [1]9,000,000z
x1Sapha Ring8,000,000z
x1White Wing Brooch7,000,000z
Link to this shop.

3687 days ago - Prontera 116, 55 - RAnger N GX
x1White Wing Boots [1]43,000,000z
x1White Wing Boots [1]22,000,000z
x1Sapha Hood20,000,000z
x1Sapha Hood20,000,000z
x1White Wing Manteau18,000,000z
x1+4 Sapha Hood14,000,000z
x1White Wing Suits [1]9,000,000z
x1Sapha Ring9,000,000z
x1White Wing Brooch6,500,000z
x1White Wing Brooch6,000,000z
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3688 days ago - Prontera 114, 56 - Ranger N GX
x1White Wing Boots [1]45,000,000z
x1White Wing Boots [1]22,000,000z
x1Sapha Hood20,000,000z
x1Sapha Hood20,000,000z
x1White Wing Manteau19,000,000z
x1+4 Sapha Hood15,000,000z
x1White Wing Suits [1]10,000,000z
x1Sapha Ring10,000,000z
x1White Wing Brooch7,000,000z
x1White Wing Brooch6,000,000z
Link to this shop.

3688 days ago - Prontera 115, 55 - Ranger N GX
x1White Wing Boots [1]45,000,000z
x1White Wing Boots [1]23,000,000z
x1Sapha Hood20,000,000z
x1Sapha Hood20,000,000z
x1White Wing Manteau19,000,000z
x1+4 Sapha Hood15,000,000z
x1White Wing Suits [1]10,000,000z
x1Sapha Ring10,000,000z
x1Nab's Cloth [1]8,000,000z0z
x1White Wing Brooch6,500,000z
Link to this shop.

3688 days ago - Prontera 122, 60 - Wouth GUH
x1White Wing Boots [1]50,000,000z
x1White Wing Boots [1]23,000,000z
x1Sapha Hood22,000,000z
x1Orleans's Gown [1]17,000,000z0z
x1Sapha Hood18,000,000z
x1White Wing Manteau20,000,000z
x1White Wing Suits [1]10,000,000z
x1Sapha Ring10,000,000z
x1Nab's Cloth [1]8,000,000z
x1White Wing Brooch7,000,000z
Link to this shop.

3689 days ago - Prontera 118, 56 - Come guys
x1White Wing Boots [1]50,000,000z
x1White Wing Boots [1]20,000,000z
x1Sapha Hood20,000,000z
x1Orleans's Gown [1]18,000,000z
x1Sapha Hood19,000,000z
x1White Wing Manteau20,000,000z
x1White Wing Suits [1]10,000,000z
x1Sapha Ring10,000,000z
x1Nab's Cloth [1]8,500,000z
x1White Wing Brooch7,000,000z
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