Shops from Lilith Servino
3236 days ago - Prontera
112, 67 - omni dye, betches

3236 days ago - Prontera
112, 67 - omni clothing dye, betches

3236 days ago - Prontera
120, 87 - omni | stone | cards
 | x1 | Omni Clothing Dye | 28,000,000z |
 | x1 | Omni Clothing Dye | 28,000,000z |
 | x1 | Omni Clothing Dye | 28,000,000z |
 | x2 | Magical Stone | 4,300,000z |
 | x1 | Horong Card | 4,000,000z |
 | x1 | Ancient Mimic Card | 4,000,000z |
 | x1 | Breeze Card | 3,000,000z |
Link to this shop.

3786 days ago - Prontera
116, 83 - coag | temporal crystal |ori

3796 days ago - Prontera
110, 74 - coags just 4 u S> Dullahan Egg PM

3972 days ago - Prontera
156, 88 - pasana c | rideword hat | etc

3972 days ago - Prontera
156, 88 - pasana c | rideword hat | etc

3972 days ago - Prontera
154, 90 - pasana c | rideword hat | etc

3973 days ago - Prontera
142, 86 - rideword hat | pasana card | etc

3974 days ago - Prontera
144, 72 - rideword | royal jelly

3974 days ago - Prontera
144, 72 - rideword | royal jelly

3974 days ago - Prontera
155, 95 - rideword | p.bottle&herb | r.jelly

4289 days ago - Prontera
155, 100 - robo|mocking|drk.illusion|dokebi

4289 days ago - Prontera
155, 100 - robo|mocking|drk.illusion|dokebi
 | x1 | Robo Eye | 40,000,000z |
 | x1 | Flapping Angeling | 33,000,000z |
 | x1 | Zealotus Mask | 15,000,000z |
 | x1 | Mocking Undershirt [1] | 28,000,000z | 0z |
 | x1 | Dark Illusion Card | 40,000,000z | 0z |
 | x1 | Dokebi Card | 20,000,000z | 0z |
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4289 days ago - Prontera
155, 100 - robo|mocking|drk.illusion|dokebi
 | x1 | Robo Eye | 40,000,000z |
 | x1 | Flapping Angeling | 33,000,000z |
 | x1 | Zealotus Mask | 15,000,000z |
 | x1 | Mocking Undershirt [1] | 28,000,000z |
 | x1 | Dark Illusion Card | 40,000,000z |
 | x1 | Dokebi Card | 20,000,000z |
Link to this shop.

4292 days ago - Prontera
152, 102 - why
 | x1 | Flapping Angeling | 35,000,000z |
 | x1 | Dark Illusion Card | 35,000,000z |
 | x1 | Mocking Undershirt [1] | 28,000,000z |
 | x1 | Magical Stone | 7,300,000z | 0z |
 | x2 | Wind of Verdure | 3,800z |
 | x101 | Blue Herb | 2,000z | 0z |
Link to this shop.

4297 days ago - Prontera
155, 98 - why
 | x1 | Robo Eye | 36,000,000z | 0z |
 | x1 | Magical Stone | 8,000,000z |
 | x1 | Valkyrian Manteau [1] | 1,000,000z | 0z |
 | x1 | Valkyrian Manteau [1] | 1,000,000z | 0z |
 | x38 | Wind of Verdure | 3,000z |
 | x1 | Mantis Card | 1,100,000z | 0z |
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4304 days ago - Prontera
155, 94 - M.Stone | Robo | Valk Mant | Verdure
 | x2 | Magical Stone | 7,400,000z |
 | x1 | Robo Eye | 38,000,000z |
 | x1 | Valkyrian Manteau [1] | 1,000,000z |
 | x1 | Valkyrian Manteau [1] | 1,000,000z |
 | x143 | Wind of Verdure | 7,500z |
 | x1 | Mantis Card | 1,750,000z |
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4308 days ago - Prontera
154, 93 - why
 | x1 | Robo Eye | 38,000,000z |
 | x1 | +5 Fledged Valkyrian Shoes [1] | 3,000,000z |
 | x1 | Valkyrian Manteau [1] | 1,000,000z |
 | x1 | Valkyrian Manteau [1] | 1,000,000z |
 | x5 | Louise Costume Box | 1,800,000z |
Link to this shop.

4309 days ago - Prontera
145, 94 - why
 | x1 | Robo Eye | 39,000,000z |
 | x1 | Magical Stone | 7,800,000z | 0z |
 | x1 | +5 Fledged Valkyrian Shoes [1] | 3,000,000z |
 | x1 | Valkyrian Manteau [1] | 1,450,000z |
 | x1 | Valkyrian Manteau [1] | 1,450,000z |
 | x1 | Leo Crown | 2,000,000z | 0z |
Link to this shop.

4309 days ago - Prontera
154, 107 - why
 | x1 | Robo Eye | 38,000,000z |
 | x1 | Magical Stone | 7,900,000z |
 | x1 | Leo Crown | 1,500,000z | 0z |
 | x1 | Leo Crown | 1,500,000z | 0z |
 | x1 | Sagittarius Crown | 1,800,000z | 0z |
 | x1 | Sagittarius Crown | 1,800,000z | 0z |
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4310 days ago - Prontera
153, 79 - why
 | x1 | Robo Eye | 42,000,000z |
 | x1 | Magical Stone | 8,800,000z |
 | x1 | Magical Stone | 8,800,000z | 0z |
 | x1 | Sagittarius Crown | 7,000,000z |
 | x1 | Sagittarius Crown | 7,000,000z |
 | x5 | Louise Costume Box | 1,500,000z |
Link to this shop.

4310 days ago - Prontera
153, 79 - why